Notes: The below information is just for reference. We would advise you choose 'Off-Peak Return' which allows you to travel on any off-peak trains and return within one month during off-peak time if your arrival and departure airports are the same, especially you would like to buy tickets in advance.

From London Heathrow Airport

First take the express train to Paddington which normally cost £25.
The express information page:

Then from Paddington either take the London Underground to London Euston.
For all other London airports, make your way to London Euston.

From London Euston to Windermere:

1st July

Departure timeNumber of changesChanging atArrival TimeDuration
08:451Oxenholme Lake District13:044h19min
09:451Oxenholme Lake District13:534h8min
10:451Oxenholme Lake District14:504h5min
12:282Lancaster & Oxenholme Lake District15:593h31min
13:281Oxenholme Lake District17:023h34min
13:401Oxenholme Lake District17:584h18min
14:282Preston(Lancs) & Oxenholme Lake District17:583h30min
15:281Oxenholme Lake District18:473h19min
16:281Oxenholme Lake District19:483h20min
17:281Oxenholme Lake District20:393h11min
18:281Oxenholme Lake District21:393h11min

2nd July

Departure timeNumber of changesChanging atArrival TimeDuration
05:311Oxenholme Lake District09:293h58min
08:301Oxenholme Lake District11:393h9min

From Newcastle Airport

First go from Newcastle Airport to Newcastle Central Railway Station(NCL) by Metro
Then Railway information as below:

1st July

Departure timeNumber of changesChanging atArrival TimeDuration
08:452Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District11:36 2h51min
09:552Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District13:043h9min
10:552Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District13:532h58min
11:552Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District14:502h55min
12:552Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District15:593h4min
13:552Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District17:023h7min
14:552Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District17:583h3min
16:552Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District19:482h53min
17:552Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District21:393h44min

2nd July

Departure timeNumber of changesChanging atArrival TimeDuration
07:012Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District10:413h40min
08:052Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District11:393h34min
09:132Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District12:273h14min
10:132Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District13:243h11min

From Glasgow Airport

First take train from Glasgow Airport to Glasgow Central

1st July

Departure timeNumber of changesChanging atArrival TimeDuration
08:191Oxenholme Lake District11:363h17min
09:321Oxenholme Lake District12:192h47min
10:261Oxenholme Lake District13:042h38min
11:331Oxenholme Lake District13:532h20min
12:271Oxenholme Lake District14:502h23min
13:321Oxenholme Lake District15:592h27min
14:321Oxenholme Lake District17:022h30min
15:001Oxenholme Lake District17:582h58min
15:332Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District18:473h14min
17:001Oxenholme Lake District19:482h48min
17:311Oxenholme Lake District20:393h8min
18:311Oxenholme Lake District21:393h8min

2nd July

Departure timeNumber of changesChanging atArrival TimeDuration
05:401Oxenholme Lake District07:492h9min
05:491Oxenholme Lake District08:472h58min
06:301Oxenholme Lake District09:292h59min
07:371Oxenholme Lake District10:413h4min
08:002Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District10:412h41min
09:061Oxenholme Lake District11:392h33min
09:401Oxenholme Lake District12:272h47min

From Edinburgh Airport

First get from Edinburgh Airport to Edinburgh Haymarket station by bus or tram.
Then railway information listed below:

1st July

Departure timeNumber of changesChanging atArrival TimeDuration
08:351Oxenholme Lake District11:363h1min
10:101Oxenholme Lake District13:042h54min
11:321Oxenholme Lake District14:503h18min
12:102Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District15:593h49min
13:311Oxenholme Lake District17:023h31min
14:112Carlisle & Oxenholme Lake District17:583h47min
15:331Oxenholme Lake District18:473h14min
16:101Oxenholme Lake District19:483h38min
17:331Oxenholme Lake District20:393h6min

2nd July

Departure timeNumber of changesChanging atArrival TimeDuration
05:351Oxenholme Lake District08:473h12min
07:311Oxenholme Lake District10:413h10min
08:121Oxenholme Lake District11:393h27min
10:121Oxenholme Lake District13:243h12min